Aidan wouldn't ever give the puppy a rest, if you can guess, he's telling her a secret. He wanted her to come downstairs and play with him. It was entertaining all evening to just watch them, cheap fun. :)
Wow, I have never seen my kids like this before. Aidan has always been somewhat afraid of dogs, but he seems to be maturing and trying really hard to not be scared. I think he overcame his fear, and developed a little crush for our cousins new puppy Ellie. She's a little Boston Terrier, and we wanted to take her home!
Uncle Court lived with us for a few months, and we got to catch up on the way to Brigham City for a birthday party. It's been awhile, but I think we still love him!
I know, I'm sorry. I knew I wouldn't be too good at keeping this up! We have done some fun things in the past few months. We went to the zoo with our cousins Miriam and Ellie where we got to see the elephants (our favorite), monkeys, zebras and a white alligator. Our favorite was of course, riding the train! We love the zoo!